Bags, groundwater sampling devices, and labware made with FEP, PFA,PVF, and Metalized foils have been
Approved by the EPA to capture and store gas, soil, hazardous waste, and live specimen samples awaiting
High temperature films are used for cooking and packaging, while Teflon® coatings have been used on
cookware for decades.
Thermoformed fluoropolymers are used for mold liners in “sticky” situations.
Thermal operating range can extend from cryogenic storage systems of cord blood and tissue, to high
temperature food processing and laser welding masks.
Custom Bags fabricated from high performance inert films replace large, bulky stainless bioreactors.
Downtime and cross contamination between batches are reduced, because of their low cost, numerous
systems can be set up simultaneously.
Many two part epoxies and other chemistries are stored, mixed, and cured in fluoropolymer bags,
proving clean, easy, and cost effective solutions for the end users.
High performance materials are used to protect EPDM rubber in the chlor alkali marketplace, extending the lifespan of gaskets and reducing downtime.
High performance materials are used to protect EPDM rubber in the chlor alkali marketplace, extending the lifespan of gaskets and reducing downtime.
As Global warming threatens our planet, more and more research facilities devoted to the study of
climate change use simulation chambers (Sometimes known as smog chambers) heat sealed from FEP and
PFA films to create a controlled environment in which to perform research. Engineers at Ingeniven
designed the very first smog chamber used by Carneige Mellon University almost 20 years ago. Since
that time they have helped dozens of researches from all over the globe design and produce
simulation chambers ranging from small desktop enclosures to huge chambers that are a “walk in”
For more information on Climate change simulation chambers (smog chamber) click here
For more information on Climate change simulation chambers (smog chamber) click here
Escape hoods heat sealed from high performance films are used by the military, first responders,
pilots, passengers, and homeowners when evacuating a hazardous environment. Often times this means
the difference between life and death. We have over 20 years of experience in sealing high
performance films for escape hoods.
Unique seal shapes can be produced. Please send us your project details for evaluation. We will be delighted to help you.
High Performance Film Custom Manufacturing